Please note we cannot accept damaged, faulty goods or incomplete items.
We also do not accept videos or CD's
As a community group we would have to cover the cost of getting any items we cannot accept to the relevant waste site which would incur costs.
Must be clean, but we can still earn money from items with holes, or rips in them.
Swap Shop
If swapping items of clothing, please separate into bags of age and gender to make sorting and swapping easier.
We also offer free school uniform swap.
Household Items
Including furniture, white goods, kitchenware and electronics. All items must be complete, in a reasonable condition and in good working order.
Must be clean and in good condition, any games and jigsaws donated must have all pieces included.
Money Donations
Any amount big or small, will help towards maintaining our building and help cover our utility bills.
Wish List
We are always looking to improve our facilities and are happy to accept second hand items. For a list of what we currently require, please click on the link below.
Food Items
Where possible non perishable items that constitute a meal ie tinned potatoes, stewing steak and peas, or tinned potatoes, pies and beans or tinned chicken curry and a bag of rice etc
We accept bikes of all sizes and in all states of repair, so please feel free to gift your old bikes to us.